She derpy
She derpy
Yep. XD
Getting cocky huh?
You bet!
Gracias Cecil. :D!!!!
So, this is what they spend their time on huh?!
Living the magic world. XD
Oh damn, I like them all. ;;
They're so charming to look at, I think you have a unique style. I saw that specially on the first one.
Aw, thank you Cecil...but honestly, though, it's just a quirk of the program I was using. Flipnote Studio 3D uses a 320x240 pixel canvas, a limited palette composed of 6 colors, and a small set of screentones. If you click on one of the Flipnote tags I'm sure you can find other art pieces (and even movies) that have a similar aesthetic because of it!
Like these few:
There's also this website called Sudomemo, a spiritual successor to Flipnote Hatena, which hosts a bunch of animations and art with a similar style. I haven't been there in a while, but I'm sure you won't have to do too much digging far to find great artists.
I've also seen your two pencil sketches and I wanted to say it's cool to see you develop your style, too. Progress is really slow in the art world (or any discipline really) so it's always encouraging/fascinating to see other people progress. Have a good day, yo.
That's some cool lighting going on there!
I can see your characteristic ancient shading technique on that clothes, smart guy
Devilish techniques. XD
Muchos dirán que se trata de autocompasión, pero sin duda no saben de la consciencia que tienes de tu mente ni de tus exámenes de conciencia. Sigue construyendo tu madurez de esa forma, man. No dejes de crecer.
Muchas gracias, yo trato de no justificarme cosas malas que he hecho porque mi mente me engaña y hace que me autoperdone pero se que es mi ego y tengo que enfrentar mis consecuencias para poder llegar a un perdón verdadero, es difícil pero siempre esta la practica diaria. :D
Mmmmmm!. :D
This is underrated. I love the style you put her on, the shoes and the outfit. You're lovely! Great job! <3
Thank you! Your words fill me of determination to keep going!
I love knights
Age 23, Male
Joined on 12/27/20